A few days ago, Chris Brown hopped on Twitter and said that he wants to go on a world tour with Beyonce, Bruno Mars, and Rihanna. The same Rihanna he violently assaulted almost exactly nine years ago. I’m starting to think that before Chris Brown’s monkey was taken into custody, she pooped in his food and gave him a case of the Motaba virus. Because that’s the kind of stupid thing you type when your brain is melting.
Just thinking…. A CRAZY WORLD TOUR would BEYONCE, RIHANNA, BRUNO MARS, CHRIS BROWN. “2 for 2”. And if y’all decide to do it without me… give me 10%.
— Chris Brown (@chrisbrown) February 9, 2018
E! News says that some people on Twitter pointed out to Chris Brown that Bruno Mars is already on tour with Cardi B. Others were into it (because the only thing more questionable than Chris Brown’s decisions are his fans). And of course, many were quick to remind him of his history with Rihanna. If only we knew what Rihanna thought of it. My guess is she saw Chris’ Tweet and shot her phone screen the look below.
In what world does Chris Brown think he belongs on a tour with the likes of Beyonce, Bruno Mars, and Rihanna??? That’s like McDonald’s introducing an all-star lineup that includes the Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Chicken McNuggets, and a shake made from dirty mop water. I hate to be the one who tells him that LaTavia Roberson has a better chance of going on tour with Beyonce than he does (I would not want to be that person).
Pic: Wenn.com